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The webhooks are a pattern to deliver notifications between applications via HTTP endpoints, allowing external applications to register an HTTP endpoint to which notifications are delivered.

This means that the first step to being able to use this functionality is to Subscribe to the Service. On this page the Subscription process is explained, guiding you on requesting notifications for Fatture in Cloud events.

Are you interested?

The Webhooks are still in a Closed Beta version, this means that you can start using it only if we explicitly authorized you. If you try to create a subscription without prior authorization, your requests will always result in an error.

If you are interested in helping us test this functionality, you can discover how to apply to pur Beta phase on the Webhooks Enablement page.

☁️  CloudEvents

Our implementation is loosely compliant with the CloudEvents Specification.

You don't need to know the specification in detail to use our webhooks, but if you're curious you can check the dedicated page.

🎯  Prepare the Target

Our notifications must be sent to your system, so you should tell us where we have to send the messages; to do it, you'll need to prepare a Target and specify its address while creating a new subscription.

Start from the target!

We suggest you prepare the target beforehand, and only then create the subscription. This is because the subscription process includes a Verification Phase, and this requires the Target to send a proper response.

The Target is a simple HTTP endpoint, that must be exposed by your application and must be able to accept REST calls; specifically, it must be designed in a way that makes it able to accept GET and POST requests.

As you can imagine, our Webhooks will handle a certain number of Notification Types, that can be categorized as follows:

  • Verification Notifications
  • Welcome Notifications
  • Event Notifications

Where the third one is a set of many notification types.

In this phase, to complete the Subscription it is enough to be able to manage correctly the Verification Notifications; the correct way to answer to the Verification Notification will be explained below.

For now, it is enough to answer with a 200 OK to the other Notification Events; the proper way to manage this kind of request will be explained on the Notifications page.


We expect you to expose your target using HTTPS, so we will refuse HTTP URLs when trying to create a Subscription.

In the next paragraphs we'll suppose that our target will be exposed at the following endpoint:

🗒  Subscribe

First, we need to require a new Subscription. To do so, we need to call the Create Subscription method like follows:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"data": {
"sink": "",
"types": [
"verification_method": "header",
"config": {
"mapping": "binary"

The corresponding code with our SDKs:

  using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Api;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Client;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Model;

namespace Example
public class CreateWebhooksSubscriptionExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2AuthenticationCodeFlow
config.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

var apiInstance = new WebhooksApi(config);
var companyId = 12345; // int | The ID of the company.
var createWebhooksSubscriptionRequest = new CreateWebhooksSubscriptionRequest(); // CreateWebhooksSubscriptionRequest | (optional)

// Create a Webhook Subscription
CreateWebhooksSubscriptionResponse result = apiInstance.CreateWebhooksSubscription(companyId, createWebhooksSubscriptionRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling WebhooksApi.CreateWebhooksSubscription: " + e.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);

In the example, it is important to replace the Company ID with the ID of the Company owner of the resources we want to follow.
For example, if I created a Fatture in Cloud App using my company 12345, and I want to be notified about the resources of the company 67890, the Company ID will be 67890 and not my own.

The body will contain the following params:

ParameterDescriptionAccepted ValuesDefault
data.sinkThe HTTPS URL where the target is exposed
data.typesAn array of the event types the subscriber is interested in receiving
data.verification_methodThe verification method that will be used to activate the subscription, you can learn about the differences hereheader, queryheader
data.config.mappingThe structure of the event you will receive, you can learn about the differences herebinary, structuredbinary
Are you authorized?

The request will be accepted only if the Access Token used for the request is associated with the company for the scopes related to the types inserted in the request.

The response provided by the Fatture in Cloud API will look something similar to this:

"data": {
"id": "SUB230",
"sink": "",
"verified": true,
"types": [
"config": {
"mapping": "binary"
"warnings": [
"The 'it.fattureincloud.webhooks.entities.clients.delete' event is already registered for this application"

There are two additional fields:

  • The ID of the subscription, that must be used for the other methods of the Subscriptions API; the ID will be a string, where the first part is the prefix "SUB" and the second part is an incremental number
  • warnings: This indicates that the creation of the subscription failed for some of the message types

You can have warnings in these cases:

  • If an app requested a message type for a company, and it already exists another subscription linked to the same message type for the same company. Only one subscription can be created for the couple app-type, so a duplicate will be rejected
  • If the type does not exist

The subscription will still be created for all the valid message types left.

Please, note that the message types are different from the request: the message types list includes some Group Types, that can be used to select all the related events with one single entry; the final subscription will still contain the actual types, because the group types will be exploded at creation time. Check the event types page to find out more about the group types.

The newly created Subscription will be Unverified until when the Verification step will succeed; this means that the target will not receive the expected events until when the Subscription will be verified.

Are you getting this error?

The Webhooks are still in a Closed Beta version, this means that you can start using it only if we explicitly authorized you.

If you are receiving the following error, it means that you're not enabled on the webhooks yet, and you must send a request as explained above.

"error": {
"message": "This app is not enabled to register webhooks",

  Verify the subscription

Once the Subscription has been created, a new Verification Notification will be delivered to the Target to perform the Verification step: the Verification Notification will be sent as a REST GET call, and the target must be able to respond adequately.

This verification step is extremely important for Abuse Protection because it makes it possible for our systems to verify that your endpoint is expecting our notifications and that your endpoint was not registered by some malicious actor.

The verification step consists of retrieving a certain value, generated randomly and attached to the notification, and using it to generate a proper response as explained below. We currently provide two different Verification Methods, that differ only for the location of this random value:

  • In the Header Mode, the value will be added to the notification as the x-fic-verification-challenge header
  • In the Query Mode, the value will be appended to the URL as query string, in the x-fic-verification-challenge param

The Header Mode is our default, so it will be used when the request doesn't contain the data.verification_method param.

Below you can find an example of the Verification Notification, sent by our system to your endpoint:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'User-Agent: FattureInCloud/API-WEBHOOK' \
--header 'x-fic-verification-challenge: 292ff90a85ae68be5be1b2808a56cd183c3e8f72373b6cdda8e9dfd8e08f0f05' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer SIGNATURE'

The expected response is exactly the same for both the Verfication Methods. To be able to validate the request, the Target must be able to get the x-fic-verification-challenge value from the header or querystring parameter and insert it in the JSON response body as follows:

"verification": "292ff90a85ae68be5be1b2808a56cd183c3e8f72373b6cdda8e9dfd8e08f0f05"

If Fatture in Cloud receives a 200 OK answer with this value included in the body, the subscription will be considered valid and Fatture in Cloud will start sending the required events to the Target.

Similarly to the other Notification types, the Verification Notification also includes the Authorization header, which can be used to verify if the request was generated by our systems. Please, check the dedicated section to understand how to verify this header.

If, while developing the code to manage the Verification Method, you weren't able to verify the subscription on the first attempt, you still have the possibility to verify your subscription. Check the dedicated section for a detailed description of the Verify method.

🎉  Welcome!

Once the verification step is complete, the messages will start being sent to your application.

Since the first message could arrive in a few seconds or even days after the verification (it depends on when the first event is performed on the resources owned by the company), we decided to send a special Welcome Event to your endpoint when the verification step is concluded.

The Welcome Event will be similar to the other Events, but it will be recognizable by its special type it.fattureincloud.webhooks.subscriptions.welcome.

Since it is just meant to give you a confirmation about the verification step, you can just ignore and discard this message or you could use it for your purposes: it's up to you.

It could be shy!

The Welcome event will be sent as one of the first messages for that subscription, but we cannot assure you that it will be the first message in every case.

For example, if an event was generated during the validation procedure, it may be sent to the target before the Welcome Event, so we suggest using it just to confirm that the subscription was established correctly.

Check the Notifications page to find an example of a Welcome event.

🧮  List the subscriptions

If you want to check your active subscriptions on a certain company, you can use the List Subscriptions method.

Below you can find an example:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

The Response Body will be similar to this one:

"data": [
"id": "SUB155",
"sink": "",
"verified": true,
"types": ["it.fattureincloud.webhooks.entities.clients.delete"],
"config": {
"mapping": "binary"
"id": "SUB230",
"sink": "",
"verified": true,
"types": [
"config": {
"mapping": "binary"

🍒  Get a subscription

If you know the Subscription ID, you can use the Get Subscription method to retrieve its current status.

Below you can find an example:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

And the Response Body will be similar to this:

"data": {
"id": "SUB155",
"sink": "",
"verified": true,
"types": ["it.fattureincloud.webhooks.entities.clients.delete"],
"config": {
"mapping": "binary"

📝  Modify the subscription

If you want, you can modify an existing Subscription by using the Modify Subscription method.

Below you can find an example:

curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"data": {
"types": [

The Response Body will look something like this:

"data": {
"id": "SUB255",
"sink": "",
"verified": true,
"types": ["it.fattureincloud.webhooks.entities.suppliers.delete"],
"config": {
"mapping": "binary"

The main differences between this request and the Create request are the following:

  • The HTTP verb in this case is PUT instead of POST
  • You need to specify the Subscription ID in the URL since the subscription already exists
Are you relocating?

In most of the cases, after modifying a subscription you don't need to perform the Verification step a second time, because the subscription was already verified. An exception is the modification of the sink parameter: in this case, the subscription is invalidated, and you will receive a new Verification Event to the new Target endpoint.

🗑  Delete the subscription

If you don't need the subscription anymore, there are two main methods to remove a Subscription:

  • Delete it explicitly
  • Make your target return a 410 Gone error to an Event Notification

In both cases, some notifications could still be sent after the deletion of the subscription, but they should stop in a few minutes.

There is another method to stop receiving notifications, but it is a safeguard mechanism that we use to avoid sending messages to dismissed or faulty systems. Check this page for further info about Expirations.

💣  Explicit deletion

In this case, the user needs to perform a Delete Subscription call.

The request is something similar to:

curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN'

🚽  Gone Response

In this case, the Target will return a 410 Gone status to the next Notification Event sent by the webhooks. When the Webhooks service receives a 410 Gone on a notification request, it considers the target as dismissed and it immediately deletes the related subscription. Of course, in this case the subscription could stay active for a certain amount of time, until when the first event will be sent to the target.

🚂  Did you miss it?

A failed verification doesn't necessarily mean that your subscription is lost forever.

Of course, if you weren't able to verify the subscription when you received the Verification Notification, you won't be able to receive the other kinds of notifications you were expecting. Feel free to delete the subscription and create a new one, we promise we won't get offended. 🤗

At the same time, we know that at development time it would be frustrating to delete and recreate a subscription multiple times, so we provided you a method to require a new verification attempt.

The request you must perform is similar to:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"data": {
"verification_method": "header"

The only (optional) parameter contained in the body is the data.verification_method param, that works exactly as explained in the Subscribe section. Please, note that we don't store this value, so you'll need to send it at every retry if you don't plan to use the default method (e.g. the Header Method).

After the retry request succeeds, you will receive a new Verification Notification as if the subscription was brand new, and you'll be able to try to respond correctly one more time.

Usually, we expect Production services to be able to verify a new subscription at the first attempt, so we decided to throttle this method to avoid its misusage. Every subscription will have a maximum of 5 verification attempts, and you'll be able to perform only one retry every 10 minutes. After the fifth failed attempt, the subscription will be lost forever and you'll need to create a new one from scratch.