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Some of our APIs (e.g. the LIST methods) return a set of resources instead of a single one. This means that the returned response could be potentially huge, involving a high number of complex resources, making the response difficult to manage and send to your application. For this reason, you should filter the results to get only the data you need.

Here we explain the rules...

In this page, we explain how our Query Language works, and we provide really simple code examples to show you how to add the filter to a LIST request without using our SDKs.

If you are using one of our SDKs, we added a dedicated page where we explain how to add the filter to an SDK request, and how to build a query using our FilterHelpers.

Check the fields

Our APIs let you apply a filter only on a certain set of fields. Please check the table below for the available fields for each method.

To filter the returned resources, all you have to do is to add the "q" parameter to the query string, containing the desired query filter. This parameter must be provided as an URL-encoded string to avoid issues related to special characters in the string.

For example, this request will filter all the clients, returning only the client with the specified vat_number. The query parameter value is the following:

Original valueURL-encoded value
vat_number = '11553420156'vat_number%20%3D%20%2711553420156%27

This translates to the following code:

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'

The corresponding code examples:

// this code uses RestSharp Client:
// you can install it with the following command:
// dotnet add package RestSharp

using System;
using RestSharp;

namespace restclient
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// for this example we define the token as a string, but you should have obtained it in the previous steps
// the token is valid for the "received_documents:r" scope needed to perform this operation
var token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

// these parameters are usually retrieved through our APIs or stored in a DB
var companyId = 17;

var query = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty);
query.Add("q", "vat_number = '11553420156'");

var url = "" + companyId + "/entities/clients" + "?" + query;

var client = new RestClient(url);
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);

request.AddHeader("authorization", "Bearer " + token);
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
Retrieve your ACCESS TOKEN!

You can set the Access Token in the dedicated section, for more informations look here.

Here you can find an example response:

"current_page": 1,
"data": [
"id": 25330671,
"code": "",
"name": "ACEA S.P.A.",
"vat_number": "2711553420156",
"tax_code": "",
"address_city": "Marioloso",
"address_province": "RM",
"country": "Italia"
"first_page_url": "",
"from": 1,
"last_page": 1,
"last_page_url": "",
"next_page_url": null,
"path": "",
"per_page": 50,
"prev_page_url": null,
"to": 1,
"total": 1

๐Ÿ”งย  Building a queryโ€‹

Our API uses a SQL-like query language, which means that it is a subset of the where clause of the SQL language and can be used in a similar way to build the filter string.

The string is based on triplets: field op value

The field is a lowercase string, with dots and underscores, containing the name of the field the filter applies to; all the fields used in a single query must be included in the list of the authorized fields for the specific request type that is going to be performed, otherwise, an error will be returned. Check below for the list of authorized fields.

The op is one of the following (unquoted):

Greater than'>'
Greater than or equal to'>='
Less than'<'
Less than or equal to'<='
Not equal'<>', '!='

Some additional operators are available to match a string against a Pattern (unquoted), they can't be used on another kind of parameters:

Like'like', 'LIKE'
Not like'not like', 'NOT LIKE'
Contains'contains', 'CONTAINS'
Not contains'not contains', 'NOT CONTAINS'
Starts with'starts with', 'STARTS WITH'
Ends with'ends with', 'ENDS WITH'

The value can be one of the following types:

Booleantrue, false

Additionally, it is possible to check if a field has a value or not, using NULL:

The value is Null (doesn't have a value)1. IS NULL
2. is null
3. = NULL
4. = null
The value is Not Null (has a value)1. IS NOT NULL
2. is not null
3. != NULL
4. != null
5. <> NULL
6. <> null

You can combine multiple triplets to compose a more complex filter, using the following boolean operators and using parenthesis to define the order of the composition.

Conjunction'and', 'AND'
Disjunction'or', 'OR'

Here you can find some syntactically-valid queries (the field names used in the examples could not exist in our API):

vat_number = '11553420156'

age < 30

credit >= 123.45

dev = true

surname is not null

employer starts with 'Fatture'

name like '%Pier%'

surname = 'Rossi' and name contains 'Luca'

city = 'Bergamo' and (age < 30 or (dev = true and (name = 'Giorgio' and surname is not null) or employer starts with 'Fatture'))

Once the query is composed, it must be URL-encoded before using it in a query; most HTTP frameworks perform this step automatically while composing the request, otherwise, you can use dedicated libraries to apply the encoding explicitly.

๐Ÿ”ย  Filterable fieldsโ€‹

Here you can find the list of fields that can be used to filter the result for each List method:

listClientsid, code, name, type, vat_number, tax_code, address_street, address_postal_code, address_city, address_province, country, email, certified_email, phone, fax, notes, imported, atoka_show, e_invoice, ei_code, created_at, updated_at
listSuppliersid, code, name, type, vat_number, tax_code, address_street, address_postal_code, address_city, address_province, country, email, certified_email, phone, fax, notes, imported, atoka_show, e_invoice, ei_code, created_at, updated_at
listProductsid, name, code, net_price, gross_price, net_cost, description, category, notes, in_stock, created_at, updated_at
listIssuedDocumentstype,,, entity.vat_number, entity.tax_code,, entity.province,, date, number, numeration, any_subject, amount_net, amount_vat, amount_gross, next_due_date, created_at, updated_at
listReceivedDocumentsid, type, category, description,,, date, next_due_date, amount_gross, amount_net, amount_vat, invoice_number, created_at, updated_at
listReceiptsdate, type, description, rc_center, created_at, updated_at
listF24due_date, status, amount, description
listArchiveDocumentsdate, category, description

๐Ÿ“šย  Additional Resourcesโ€‹