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E-Invoice management

When you need to deal with an e-invoice, we provide a handful of methods that you can use to fulfill your needs: you can verify the XML of your e-invoice, download it, send it to the SDI and eventually obtain the rejection reason.

Create your e-invoice first!

In this guide, we suppose you already created your e-invoice in Fatture in Cloud, and you just need to send it to the SDI. If this is not the case, please check this guide to create your first invoice.

I already have an e-invoice XML, can't I just send it to the SDI?

Unfortunately, no. Fatture in Cloud lets you send documents to the SDI only if they were created through the Fatture in Cloud functionalities, so if you have an XML you can't just send it to the SDI using our APIs. Please, check this guide for a more detailed explanation.

🔍  Verify the E-Invoice XML

With the Verify e-invoice XML method, you can verify your e-invoice XML before sending it to the SDI. If your XML contains an error or it is missing some fields, you can patch it by editing the invoice. A list of the most common validation errors can be found here.

Below you can find an example of a failed XML verification:

"error": {
"message": "Validation XML",
"validation_result": [
"Nei dati generali del documento, il contenuto \"0000-00-00\" del campo Data non è nel formato valido"

⬇️  Download the E-Invoice XML

With the Get e-invoice XML method you can download your e-invoice XML if you need to.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8

<p:FatturaElettronica xmlns:ds="" xmlns:p="" xmlns:xsi="" versione="FPR12">

📬  Send the E-Invoice

If your e-invoice XML is valid you can now send it to the SDI using the Send e-invoice method.

After the invoice has been sent, you can check its status by making a Get Issued Document request: the ei_status field will contain the status of your e-invoice.

Check your fieldset!

To show the ei_status field, you need to customize the response, selecting the detailed fieldset or including it in the fields list.

🏴‍☠️  The Dry-Run Flag

If you are developing an integration and you want to test the Send e-invoice method without actually sending the invoice to the SDI we offer a proper field for this purpose, the options.dry_run flag.

"data": {
"options": {
"dry_run": true

The flag is optional, and the default is false; if you use it and you set it as true, all the e-invoice checks will be run but the actual dispatch.

🚨  Get the E-Invoice rejection reason

If your e-invoice gets rejected by the SDI, you can check the rejection reason with the Get rejection reason method. The list of the most common rejection reasons can be found here.

For example, you could get an error like the following one:

"data": {
"reason": "Il Codice Fiscale del cliente risulta sbagliato.",
"code": "0036",
"date": "2022-02-22"