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Python SDK Quickstart

Following the steps described on this page, you'll create a simple Python application that interacts with the Fatture in Cloud API.

If you want to download the complete working example you can find it here.

0️⃣  Prerequisites

In this guide, we assume that these prerequisites are met:

1️⃣  Step One: Install the Fatture in Cloud SDK

In this quickstart, we'll use the Fatture in Cloud SDK, published to PyPI.

To install it using pip:

pip install fattureincloud-python-sdk

2️⃣  Step Two: Set up the OAuth access token retrieval

Create the file and copy in the following code:
import json
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
from fattureincloud_python_sdk.oauth2.oauth2 import OAuth2AuthorizationCodeManager
from fattureincloud_python_sdk.oauth2.oauth2 import Scope

class Oauth:
def get_oauth_access_token(self):
oauth = OAuth2AuthorizationCodeManager('CLIENT_ID', 'CLIENT_SECRET', 'http://localhost:8000/oauth')
query_components = parse_qs(urlparse(self.path).query)
if 'code' in query_components:
code = query_components['code'][0]
token = oauth.fetch_token(code)
file = open('./token.json', 'w')
file.write(json.dumps({"access_token": token.access_token})) #saving the oAuth access token in the token.json file
self.wfile.write(bytes('Token saved succesfully in ./token.json', 'utf8'))
url = oauth.get_authorization_url([Scope.ENTITY_SUPPLIERS_READ], 'EXAMPLE_STATE')
self.send_header('Location', url)

To make this code work properly the only thing you need to set your client id, client secret and eventually the redirect uri at line 9.

Store the Token safely!

In this QuickStart the access token and refresh token are stored in a file, this is only for educational purposes, the OAuth access token and refresh token are sensitive data and should be saved securely on your database. Also, never share your Client Secret with third-party actors, or publish it to your frontend!

4️⃣  Step Four: Set up the sample

Retrieve your Company ID!

In this example, we'll show how to retrieve your Company ID using the Python SDK. If you plan to manage only one company, you can insert it directly into your code as a variable. Check the Company-scoped Methods page for more info.

Create the files and in your working directory and copy in the following code:
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from oauth import Oauth #import the Oauth class
from quickstart import Quickstart #import the Quickstart class

class testHTTPServer_RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
#url routing
if self.path.startswith('/oauth'): #oauth endpoint
elif self.path == '/quickstart': #quickstart endpoint

def run():
print('Avvio del server...')
server_address = ('', 8000) #set your hostname and port
httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, testHTTPServer_RequestHandler)
print('Server in esecuzione...')
Check the Redirect URL

Make sure your FattureInCloud app redirect URL points to the just defined /oauth endpoint (e.g. http://localhost:8000/oauth).

5️⃣  Step Five: Run the sample

From the command line, run the following command:


Now visit http://localhost:8000/oauth (or whatever your URL is), you will be redirected to the Fatture in Cloud login page where you will be asked to grant some permissions, according to what scopes you specified previously. Finally, you will see the success message and the access token will be stored in the token.json file.

You can now visit http://localhost:8000/quickstart (or whatever your URL is) to test the application.

  What now?

In this example, we used a limited set of the available API methods to show how to use our SDK.

If you want to access the full documentation of the available methods and models, you can check the following resources: