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Windows Form Quickstart

Following the steps described on this page, you'll create a simple Windows Form App integrated with Fatture in Cloud.

If you want to download the complete working example you can find it here.

0️⃣  Prerequisites

In this guide, we assume that these prerequisites are met:

ℹ️  Github repo!

If you want to download the complete project we have it here, we strongly suggest that you clone this project to follow this guide.

1️⃣  Step One: Create a Windows Form app

The first step is to create a Windows Form project in Visual Studio, in this tutorial we are making a simple app that does two things:

2️⃣  Step Two: Put the components in the Form

This form is pretty simple:

Form Designer

Form Designer

Components list:

  • TabControl tabControl1: we have a TabControl with 2 tabs, one for the list clients and one for the create client

inside the first tab we have:

  • DataGridView dataGridView1: this shows all the clients linked to the company
  • Button syncButton: it calls the method that populates the data grid

inside the second tab we have:

  • TextBox clientNameTextBox: input for the client name
  • TextBox clientTaxCodeTextBox: input for the client tax code
  • TextBox clientVatNumberTextBox: input for the client vat number
  • TextBox clientEmailTextBox: input for the client email
  • Button saveClient: it calls the method that creates the client

3️⃣  The actual code

Retrieve your Company ID!

In this example, we'll suppose you have to manage just one Company, so we simply inserted its ID directly in the code. If instead, you need to be able to manage multiple companies, you'll need to retrieve the ID of the current company in some way. Check the Company-scoped Methods page for more info.

The actual code behind the Form is very simple too:

using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Api;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Client;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Model;
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WinFormsQuickstart
public partial class Form : System.Windows.Forms.Form
ClientsApi clientsApi;
int companyId = 12345;
public Form()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
// IMPORTANT: the access token file must be saved in a secure environment
// like a db or the AppConfig
config.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
clientsApi = new ClientsApi(config);

private void syncButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Id", "Id");
dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Name", "Name");
dataGridView1.Columns.Add("VatNumber", "Vat Number");
dataGridView1.Columns.Add("TaxCode", "Tax Code");
dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Country", "Country");


catch (Exception ex)

private void retrieveAllClients(int page = 1)
var result = clientsApi.ListClientsWithHttpInfo(companyId, page: page);

result.Data.Data.ForEach(client =>
new string[]

if (result.Data.NextPageUrl != null) retrieveAllClients(++page);

private void saveClient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var newClient = new CreateClientRequest(
data: new ModelClient(
name: clientNameTextBox.Text,
taxCode: clientTaxCodeTextBox.Text,
vatNumber: clientVatNumberTextBox.Text,
email: clientEmailTextBox.Text

var result = clientsApi.CreateClient(companyId, newClient);
MessageBox.Show("Client save succesfully with id: " + result.Data.Id.ToString());
clientNameTextBox.Text = String.Empty;
clientTaxCodeTextBox.Text = String.Empty;
clientVatNumberTextBox.Text = String.Empty;
clientEmailTextBox.Text = String.Empty;
catch (Exception ex)

In this QuickStart, as you can see the access token is hard coded, this is only for educational purposes, the OAuth access token and refresh token are sensitive data and should be saved securely on your database or in the AppConfig. Also, never share your Client Secret with third-party actors, or publish it on your frontend!

The main methods are two:

  • syncButton_Click: retrieves all the clients looping thru the pages of the paginated response and shows them into the DataGrid
  • saveClient_Click: creates the client with the params specified in the TexBoxes

3️⃣  Step Three: Run the sample

Now your Form should work like a charm.

Let's create a new client:

Create a new client

and now we are going to see it by syncing in the list clients tab:

Sync the clients